Connecting communities and territories: ISA Interchile’s role in times of pandemic

Connecting communities and territories: ISA Interchile’s role in times of pandemic

Under the motto “Connections that Inspire”, the electric company has deployed a series of initiatives to deliver concrete assistance to vulnerable communities, with a special focus on the elderly.

The COVID-19 pandemic has not only had a massive impact on health and the economy, affecting millions of people, who have seen how this emergency has radically altered their way of life. It has also made visible segments of the population whose needs are often postponed or overlooked. This is especially noticeable in the case of the elderly who live in rural localities throughout our country, and who, of course, represent the risk group that has been most affected by the pandemic.

Under this context, ISA Interchile, an electric company subsidiary of the Colombian multinational ISA, has implemented a Humanitarian Aid Plan that includes a series of actions to support vulnerable communities, strengthen hospital capacity, and urgently reactivate the economy. Thanks to their work in the field associated with the construction, maintenance, and operation of the Cardones-Polpaico Electric Transmission Line, which spans 4 regions of the country (Atacama, Coquimbo, Valparaiso, and Metropolitan), the company has first-hand knowledge of the particular needs of the nearly 60 communities that inhabit the project’s surroundings, generating “Connections that Inspire,” a motto that guides their actions and represents the fundamental pillar of their purpose as a company.

Initiatives such as the delivery of 7,000 diapers for nursing homes in La Serena, the contribution of 13,000 masks and more than a hundred containers of hand sanitizer to health authorities in the regions of Atacama and Coquimbo, the implementation of an online corporate volunteer program to accompany vulnerable older adults in Til Til, the delivery of 540 food boxes in the towns of Altovalsol, El Romero, La Serena, and Quebrada Honda in the commune of Higuera, the donation of 14,720 masks to 32 firefighting companies in the province of Elqui, and the recent launch of a Contestable Fund to finance projects that address pandemic-related needs, are some of the actions implemented by ISA Interchile within the framework of their Humanitarian Aid Plan.

In this sense, the company has highlighted the value of co-responsibility and public-private collaboration to face this COVID-19 pandemic and to achieve its objectives in the energy sector, such as advancing in decarbonization of the grid and continuing to connect millions of homes with clean energy.