Community creativity and entrepreneurship to face the pandemic

Community creativity and entrepreneurship to face the pandemic

Until September 30th, organizations, foundations, and corporations can apply to the Competitive Funds for Communities that ISA Interchile recently launched to finance initiatives ranging from 1 to 10 million Chilean pesos, aimed at providing humanitarian aid to those in need during the pandemic.


Nationally, the Covid-19 pandemic has strongly impacted various productive sectors of the country, in addition to affecting the daily lives of millions of Chileans in multiple dimensions. Although the country is facing this emergency with important strategies and plans for health control and economic recovery, the truth is that many times the measures do not reach a more territorial level or adapt to the particular needs of a specific community.

That is why the electric transmission company ISA Interchile opened a competitive fund aimed at financing initiatives of organizations, intended to address one of the various needs that have arisen due to the Covid-19 pandemic. These ideas are associated with sustainability, inclusion, and accessibility in support of this emergency.

Non-profit social, territorial, and functional organizations with current legal personality in the communes of Pozo Almonte, María Elena, Copiapó, Vallenar, Freirina, La Higuera, La Serena, Coquimbo, Ovalle, Canela, Los Vilos, La Ligua, Papudo, Zapallar, Puchuncaví, Quintero, Quillota, Limache, Villa Alemana, Olmué, and Quilpué can apply to this fund. National foundations and corporations that carry out initiatives in support of these communes can also apply.

The Territorial Relations Manager of ISA Interchile, Rodrigo Bravo, explained that this financing instance is part of a humanitarian aid plan executed by the company and, in the case of the contestable fund, values the management capacity of local organizations. “As a company, we focus on several lines of support, including the manufacture and production of emergency supplies; initiatives related to renewable energies, such as waste management, recycling, purchase of containers for household waste, and mainly supporting community infrastructure and equipment aimed at energy improvements in neighborhood associations.”

There are two types of financing: one aimed at financing direct community initiatives, for an amount of up to 1 million Chilean pesos, and the other, aimed at initiatives by foundations and corporations, which can be awarded up to 10 million Chilean pesos.

The deadline to apply for the Contestable Funds for Communities Humanitarian Aid Plan of ISA Interchile is September 30th or until the available funds are exhausted. To do so, go to In the main menu, click on “Competitive Funds Covid-19,” where you will find the rules and a very accessible application form.


For more direct communication, guidance, and to clarify doubts, the email has been enabled, and the mobile phone for calls or WhatsApp +56 9 39109407, Monday through Friday, between 09:00 and 18:00 hours.



* What does the Contestable Fund finance?

-. Purchase of assets or equipment, supplies.

-.Production and distribution of supplies such as masks and protectors.

-.Development and implementation of community plans to deliver food, hygiene and safety products, or other basic priority items to people who cannot access them due to mobility problems or self-isolation.

-.Financing transportation costs; acquisition or rental of equipment and other measures to allow community support to be delivered safely.


* Project lines

Emergency supplies: Projects aimed at collaborating in the manufacture, production or distribution of supplies for basic needs that allow for better coping with some effects of the health crisis. (Example: masks, alcohol, Personal Protective Equipment, food).

Renewable energies and electromobility: Projects that promote access to renewable energy sources for community facilities (headquarters, wells, sports fields, schools, health centers), electric vehicles aimed at meeting community needs. Co-financing for community energy access projects.

Waste management and recycling: Projects to purchase garbage containers for communities; initiatives for recycling household waste.

Inclusion and accessibility: Initiatives for infrastructure improvements focused on enabling inclusive spaces (e.g. universal accessibility).

Community infrastructure and equipment: Projects aimed at repairing and/or improving community infrastructure, and purchasing community equipment. (e.g. Community kitchens, audiovisual equipment and technology).